Создание контента
You can create and format your texts right here in the justContent editor. If you suddenly close the tab or your connection is lost, justContent will save a draft of your content. It autosaves the contents of every field every 20 seconds, so you needn't worry about losing your progress. Or you can work in your editor of choice and then copy and paste the text into the Article Body field here.
Please note
We can't be sure that transferring the text from your favorite text editor to justContent will run smoothly. There may be issues with paragraphs, headings, lists, etc. One of the safest choices to keep the formatting in order is Google Docs.
Every article written for justContent needs to have the following structural elements:
- A title based on the topic. The allowed length is up to 80 characters with spaces.
- Two introductions: a smaller one (up to 400 characters with spaces) for the Short Description field and a bigger one to open the Article Body field. The smaller intro will be visible in the list of content items on a publisher's page. It will act as a subheadline that often determines whether readers will give their time and attention to the article or not. It should flow smoothly into the bigger one, yet not reveal anything in particular.
- A series of Medium and Small Headings with some text for each.
- Ordered and unordered lists.
- The main image.
- Several images for the Article Body.
The text should be unique; it is crucial. We recommend checking your text with either of these two tools: the first (https://1text.com/) is very strict, so if it yields suspiciously poor results, the second tool (https://www.etxt.biz/antiplagiat/) will help. No matter which tool you use, you should achieve 90% uniqueness or more before uploading your article to justContent. If it is under 90% unique, you'll need to edit your text and rerun the plagiarism check until it reaches the required level of uniqueness.
Grammar and Spell Check
Make sure you rely on any proofing tool, e.g., free Grammarly (https://1text.com/), to check your spelling, grammar, and syntax. If you don't have any proofing tools, try reading your text aloud — it will help you catch spelling mistakes, typos, long or clumsy structures, etc.
Click on Create
on the side panel on the left.
Choose the language you will be using for the article. This will make it easier for publishers to choose content for their audience.
Fill in the fields:
- the title will go in the Title field,
- the smaller intro — in the Short Description field,
- and the bigger intro, all the headings, and everything else — in the Article Body field.
Please note
You can fill out the Title and Short Description fields before sending the article for review. Sometimes you need to complete the piece to find the words that will render its essence best. However, you need to remember to fill them out; otherwise, justContent will fill them with standard phrases (e.g., "This is a draft"). You won't be able to send the article to review until you fix it and add the actual title and short description.
In the Article Body field, there are some buttons for formatting. You'll need:
- Medium and Small headings (you needn't apply any other formatting to them, only Medium or Small Heading, DO NOT MAKE THEM BOLD),
- Lists (depending on the content of your article),
- Images (Click on the
sign andselect Image
Any article needs visual aids! Besides the main image at the top, the approximate count is one image per two or three paragraphs of text or one section of the article (the text between two Medium or Small Headings). Follow these guidelines to choose perfect images for your article and make sure they display correctly and properly:
- The best time to look for images is when your article is entirely ready. It will help you find the pictures that perfectly match the text's essence. Do your best to select images of the same palette and/or style. They will make your article look more wholesome and create a seamless reading experience.
- Authors usually need simple images that they can prepare on their own. You can find them on copyleft free-to-use image stocks like Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay, or Shutterstock (you need to purchase an account to use this service). Save the links — you'll need them to credit the images to avoid copyright violation issues.
- Use the JPEG format. Then, you'll need to resize or crop and compress your images. The main one should be 1000px wide and 500ps tall and compressed to 150 or less kb. It is to be uploaded into the topmost field. The images within the Article Body should be 1000px wide and 400-600px tall and compressed to 150 or less kb.
Please Note
- You cannot use explicit or pornographic images, images of bad quality, or personal photos without obtaining their author’s permission.
- You can only use photos of brand items and celebrities if they are available under the Creative Commons license.
- We prefer not to use vertical images, as they increase the article's length and make readers scroll. However, your pictures can be taller than 500px, but only if necessary (e.g., the objects in the image cannot fit into 500px), and their width should always be 1000px.
- Do not try to upload images less than 1000px wide or more than 150 kb — justContent will not let you do that.
- Compressing images can be tricky, but you need to reach the allowed size. Otherwise, justContent won't let you save the article.
The images will also need Alt-texts and credits. You can only add them once the image has been inserted into the article. Click on the Image icon to reveal the image settings:
- Type the Alt-text in the corresponding field. It should describe what is going on in the picture AND connect it to the article's topic. If possible, it should contain a relevant keyword. Users will see this alt-text if, for some reason, the image fails to load. Moreover, search engines often find articles thanks to cleverly written alt texts.
- Type the image credit into the Image credit/Caption field. Start with «Image Source: …» or «Photo Credit: …» (in the language of the article) and provide the link to the source (not the longer direct link to the image but a shorter one to the primary source). If you fail to credit the image source/author, justContent can delete the uncredited image to avoid violating the author’s rights.
- Do not type anything into the Link field unless you want your image to become a working link.
Here's an example:
Below the Article Body, there is a field for tags. The tags that match your article depend on its topic, application, audience, even the current season, so choose the ones that suit your content item from the extensive list. Start typing, and the list will suggest a tag. If it doesn't, try synonyms.
Please note
You should only choose the topics that are present in your article. If they are only mentioned in passing, there is no need for the tag. In general, an article has about three tags.
Meta Tags
These fields are optional, but you'll want to fill them out if you want your article to perform well on the web and increase its price.
Here's an example from a different article:
- Meta-Title: _Angel Numbers Guide _
- Meta-Description: Why do you keep seeing number sequences? Discover angel number meanings and different angel signs you may see.
The meta-title and meta-description must be unique, not copied from the title or the text of the article OR anywhere else. Copied meta tags affect SEO.
You can also "Save" the article at any stage, and the editor will not see it. The saved draft will be stored in the Content section of your profile; you will be able to access and edit it at all times.
Please note
If you click on the "Save" button and nothing seems to happen, there might be an error in one of the fields above (images are too big, texts are too long, etc.). We have hints near the faulty field, so you'll need to scroll up and down the page and find the field highlighted in red.
We also suggest that you let your text sit for a day or so and then re-read it. Fresh eyes and thoughts will help you find the things that escaped you before, correct all typos and errors, and yield a beautifully polished piece of writing.
When you complete, upload, and format the article the way you like, please hit the Save and Send to Review button at the bottom.