
Every article created in justContent should be reviewed by editors. Our in-house editors need to make sure your article is a valuable source of information and complies with all the rules and requirements of our marketplace. Without a review, your content will not be approved for publication, and publishers will not see it in their interface. Your article will be assessed within 48 hours* from the moment you submit it for review.

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Please note

Sometimes, editors have to review a significant volume of content or get sick. Then we extend the delivery date by another 48 hours. If the situation does not change still, we will assign your content to another editor and start the 48-hour countdown anew. You will get a notification. Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences connected with content reassignment!


When the editor reviews your article, they might send it back with a detailed comment listing what should be fixed and possibly how you can fix these things. Please make sure you read the review report to understand how you can improve your article.

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Please note

  • You have three attempts to get your article approved by an editor. If the third review shows that your content is still not good enough to be published, we will close it from editing, and you will have to start from scratch.
  • We’ll remove the editing feature from the content that’s been rejected three times. The article only remains visible to the author who created it. Authentic content should not be copied. Even if it is not good enough to be published right now, it can always be improved upon — by the author, not competitors.